Contact us

You can visit our local stores to talk to our USA Kitchen & Bath designers. They will answer your questions about kitchen and bath renovation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I book for an in-home measure?

Call our office to schedule an appointment for our in-home measurement service. You can also visit our local stores to book an appointment.

2. Can I change or cancel my scheduled design consultation?

Yes, you can change or cancel your appointment by either calling our office or emailing us. Once we receive your message or call, we are going to confirm that and make the necessary changes.

3. When can I get an invite for a design consultation?

We will email to you the name of the designer and meeting link where you will have the design consultation. 

4. Is it necessary to make an appointment to visit your store?

No need for an appointment. You can simply walk into our local stores to view our products and sample designs. One of our designers will assist you inside the store to tour you around.

How will I submit my kitchen measurements?

Once you’re done measuring your kitchen, you can email it to us. If you’re still booking for a design consultation, you can attach those measurements into your request appointment form.

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