We have an amazing collection of granite slabs for your kitchen and bathroom countertops. All different patterns and colors are present in our showroom for you to pick and install in your home. Come and visit our showroom to see them.

MSI Granite Countertops

When you want an elegant stone countertop that lasts a lifetime, MSI countertops is your best choice. They are an established brand in the market offering hundreds of designs for your kitchen and bathroom countertops.

At USA Kitchen & Bath, we use the best quality of MSI stone countertops for our kitchen and bath projects. MSI granite is our best selling countertops for both contemporary and traditional kitchens.

Visit our store to see our amazing collections of MSI granite countertops.

Absolute Black
African Rainbow
Agatha Black
Alaska White
Alpine Valley
Alpine White
Amarello Ornamental
Andino White
Antico Silver
Arctic Sand
Santa Cecelia
Typhoon Bordeaux

MSI Countertop Ideas

Our USA Kitchen & Bath designers can help you find the right countertop design for your kitchens and bathrooms. We have different colors and finishes of MSI granite countertops. We’ll help you pick the right style to match your cabinet and kitchen theme.

You can also talk to our designer to get personal advice on your kitchen renovation needs.

Why Choose MSI Countertops?

We partner with companies that share the same passion with us. MSI has always been supportive in our goal of providing an affordable solution for making your space more functional and beautiful. Through our efforts and collaboration, we are able to provide cost efficient MSI granite countertops for our clients.

  • MSI has a vast collection of stone countertops
  • We provide on time assistance and supply of materials for your countertop upgrade
  • Our partner supplier(s) is committed to supporting our mission of providing effective and affordable renovation services
  • We value partnerships with the goal of making our services more accessible and affordable for all clients

MSI Countertops is our partner supplier of providing elegant stone countertops for your kitchen and bath makeovers.